Energy Asset Tracking Beacon.

BiggWorks Project: Energy Asset Tracking Beacons | Fisheries. Marine

Designing a lightweight portable asset tracking beacon with a battery life of 6 months without recharging.

Client Requirement / Project Description

There is a requirement of tracking assets in the construction sites which cost thousands of pounds or dollars but should have a good battery life and ensure that these are tracked in between construction site movements as well as within the large warehouses of the construction companies.

As these equipment are very expensive they need to be audited everyday to ensure where exactly these assets are and should be alarmed once they get out of the system for a certain amount of time which ensures a theft being alarmed or an equipment being left out in the construction site to be highlighted in the system.

There would be static beacon scanners across multiple sites which are connected to the backend servers updating the asset tracking beacons status every 1 hour to ensure assets segregation and reports to be ready especially when the assets are being moved across sites.

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BiggWorks Project: Energy Asset Tracking Beacons Screenshot

Services and Technologies

Hardware, Firmware and Development


Mobile Application Development


Web Application Development



Power Consumption: The Major challenge here was to keep the power consumption of the beaconing device to minimal values which would ensure there is at least 6 months of battery life without recharging on these beacons. This was achieved periodically beaconing every 1 hour and continues beaconing when the device is in motion which ensures the scanning trackers are reporting the beacons to the backend.

Responsive: It was a challenge in the backend to report beacons health status as well as the tracking records across multiple sites and co-ordinating the data and ensuring a quick alarm to be sent across in case of missing asset beacons.

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Succorfish is a technology company that aims to offer precise, dependable, and cost-effective monitoring technology that can operate in the most extreme and remote locations on earth.

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