Depth and Temperature Monitoring Solution for Deep sea Crab harvesting.

BiggWorks Project: Depth & Temperature Monitoring | Fisheries. Marine

Designing a Depth and Temperature measurement device for logging depth and temperature underwater essential for crabs harvesting.

Client Requirement / Project Description

A few species of crab need a specific temperature to be present for its harvesting.So if we have temperature data for different depths of the sea that is being harvested then we would know exactly where the crabs are present for the capture.

A depth and temperature sensor unit needs to be designed which would connect to the asset tracking tracker or a mobile application and obtain the depth and temperature readings at various depths in the required geo locations which would enable the big fishing vessels to know the exact depth at which specific kinds of crabs are present.

This device will be used by the deep sea divers for logging the depth and temperature data at various geo points to obtain the accurate data for crab harvesting. This would make sure fishing vessels go to the sea with accuracy and capture the harvest accurately otherwise each trip to the sea without proper catch would result in huge loss to the fisherman.

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BiggWorks Project: Depth & Temperature Monitoring Screenshot

Services and Technologies


Mobile Application Development


Web Application Development



Power Consumption: The Major challenge here was to keep the power consumption of the device to minimal values as well as accurately reading and storing the depth and temperature values across several dives in different geo locations.

Robust: The device has to automatically switch on the dive recordings on reaching a specific depth and should automatically turn off recording once it is out of water. The device should then advertise on bluetooth to connect to a Mobile app or the asset tracker and should store and send the dive data to the server/app for graphical representation along different geographical coordinates.

Memory Management: Flash memory management of dive data becomes an important point of the design while creating new dives and deleting transferred dives.

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Succorfish is a technology company that aims to offer precise, dependable, and cost-effective monitoring technology that can operate in the most extreme and remote locations on earth.

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