Asset Tracking Solution for Harsh and Demanding Environments.

BiggWorks Project: Asset Tracking Solution | Fisheries, Marine, Defence and Construction Industries

This is a second generation tracking device which acts as a wireless hub with a range of wireless modules in it for various use case scenarios in terms of power and communication distance. This wireless hub interacts with various sensors which gathers data for different applications integrating onto the cloud infrastructure.

Client Requirement / Project Description

Requirement was to build an asset tracking solution to be mainly used in fisheries, marine, construction domain.

The tracking solution to be completely robust and should have a dedicated hardware in place for the tracking and should not have any down time.

The tracker should have a minimum battery life of 1 week with a 10 minute logging interval and should be able to store at least 60 days of tracking data when it is not connected to the network.

The tracker should have the 2G-5G capability as well as SATCOM for sending the tracking data as well as the SOS.

The solution should be tamper proof and should have an SOS system implemented in case of emergencies.

Build a web application to showcase real time tracking as well as log tracking information of all the assets.

Build Android/Ios mobile applications to easily access the hardware as well as to showcase the real time tracking.

The solution should easily export the asset tracking data onto other government servers for usage and monitoring.

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Services and Technologies

Hardware, Fireware, PCB Design and Development

Biggworks Micron
Biggworks Telit
Biggworks Nordic
Biggworks Semtech
Biggworks Iridium
Biggworks Espressif
Biggworks STM 32 Cube
Biggworks Ublox
Biggworks Bluetooth

Cloud server Development

Biggworks Google Cloud

Mobile Application Development

Biggworks Android
Biggworks IOS

Web Application Development

Biggworks React
Biggworks Django


Multiple Radio Handling: The Major challenge was to design multiple radio’s (BLE+GPS+GSM/3G+Lora+Wifi) without interference on the hardware level. On the firmware side we need to handle the communications received and to be sent over these radio’s uninterrupted by intelligent task scheduling on the RTOS for various features being used for.

Flash Management: The device needed to store the coordinates when it would be out of range for a long period of time and then transmit them back to the server when they got back in range. So we needed to design a flash driver with an intelligent algorithm to manage the space inorder to store, send and free the flash spaces once they are uploaded onto the server.

Fast Reporting: To upload tracking coordinates every 1 second for accurate use cases which would mean getting the GPS coordinates and scheduling them on the GSM/3G process for uploading coordinates to the server as well as making the other tasks run without interruption.

Power Consumption: We had to optimize the power consumed by various peripherals so that the device lasts without charging for 1 week period as well as intelligent process scheduling so that the processor sleeps maximum time and works on all tasks when it wakes up.

Robust Setup: The device needed to be robust and would need to work in a harsh environment with almost 0 downtime up to a few years. The devices also had an option of DOTA over the GSM/3G/5G which would enable firmware of the device being updated at any point of time.

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Succorfish is a technology company that aims to offer precise, dependable, and cost-effective monitoring technology that can operate in the most extreme and remote locations on earth.

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